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Saturday, 21 March 2020

Obligations in Islam: Establishing religion as a system:

Third Obligation

To Establish Religion

Quran has clearly stated!
“Religion in the sight of the God is Islam”.
We often state that Islam is a complete system of life, yet we do not fulfil the right of this claim. 
This is to be kept in mind that until and unless the regulations of Islam are established as a functioning system, the thought would be considered as utopia because the practical application is not there.
It implies that one should raise the status of God, Quran in this regard says, ‘And raise the status of God’!
On another place, it says , ‘no doubt, the order is that of God alone’.
This implies that there must be such a system where in the absolute sovereignty belongs to God. 
It is important to mention and that Islamic philosopher of subcontinent revived this concept.
Quran reminds!
“O People, know this well, the life of this world is temporary like a small play, the real life is that of hereafter may people understand”.
“And do these people not understand that they will resurrect one day? All human kind will stand before God and be held accountable for their actions”.
The whole point of this struggle is raising the status of God. The practiced example of such a system was the one established by the Holy Prophet PBUH in the State of Madina and in that system the supreme authority was that of God, the one and only absolute sovereign.
With regard to this responsibility this is the second term. Quran has stated, “Establish the religion, and do not part in to groups in this matter”.
‘O messenger, clearly say to the people of the book, that you are not on the standard set by God Unless you establish the old and new testament of your Bible which was revealed to you by God’.
This is a wakeup call for the Muslims. If we do not establish Islam, then surely, we are not on the standard set by God, which implies, politico-socio-economical system of global social justice and not just the rituals of daily routine.

Religion ought to be for God

Quran states!
“And fight the pagans, to the point where there is no evil remaining and religion becomes that for God”.
On another place!
“O believers, battle them until the evil perishes and religion because all that of God”.
Some modernists say that religion can only be practiced on personal level and it cannot be applied to political or social matters. 
They quote the example of British ruling the India subcontinent without forcing practice of faith on personal level. Their slogan is referral to keeping religion as personal law only. This way of thinking is highly corrupted. 
In the modern time, there has to be a way or a set of ways to incorporate religious bindings in the political, social and economic matters of a state. Presidential or parliamentary system can be moulded via legislation and incorporation of Islamic principles and should be.

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