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Saturday, 21 March 2020

Obligations in Islam: Preaching; Inviting; Instructing; Declaring:

Second Duty

Passing message of Islam to the others especially the ones who don’t know it or about it.
In this context four terms are important.


For spreading Islam, it is important to propagate the teachings of it to people, especially the ones other then the Muslim communities.
Quran says!
‘O Prophet (PBUH), pass on the message that has been given to you by God’.


It implies inviting people toward God and the final religion. God says!
‘And whose speech would be better than that of a person who invites towards God’.
‘Invite people , to the path of the God, with wisdom, and argue nicely with the ones who resist’.

Instructing good and forbidding bad

A Hadith Says!
Anyone who sees an unlawful act should stop it if he has the power. If not that, that person should stop it by saying a few words. If even not that, then that person should at least think of that bad act as a bad act, and this is the last level of faith.
Another narration says!
‘And after that there will not be a hint of faith left’.

Declaring on People

This is the fourth term in this context and it implies that for the record one should take the testimony of people that they have received the message. 
The point is to declare that the responsibility of passing the message on has been fulfilled and if and surely on the day of resurrection believers will be asked, then, this testimony of people will suffice, which implies that one can reply saying, “God! I have pass your message on”.
Quran Says!
“And what will it be like on the day when we will raise a person to testify for each nation, and O messenger, we will make you a witness on them”.
On another place, the holy book says!
“And we have made you a nation in the middle, so that you become witness on mankind, and messenger PBUH, become witness on you”.
On the final pilgrimage address, the Holy Prophet PBUH had made it a point imperatively that the ones who are present now should take the message to the ones who are not here.

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