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Saturday, 21 March 2020

Caliphate: Pakistani Perspective:

The following points are note worthy.
o   With the adoption of ‘Objectives Resolution’, on march 12,1949, in the very principle it was acknowledged that sovereignty belongs to Allah, and, the authority delegated to us by the real sovereign is to be used within the limits of Quran and Sunnah.
o   In addition to the Objectives Resolution we have this imperative to limit all legislation within the very bounds set by Holy Quran and Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) Sunnah , in article 227-1 of the constitution, which says, “ all the existing laws shall be brought in conformity with the very injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah, and no law shall be enacted which is repugnant to such injunctions. “
o   Establishment of ‘Federal Shariat Court’ was a step in the right direction. However the various restrictions placed on it, have made it somewhat ineffective with respect of Islamization of laws, whereas, the supremacy of God with respect to his laws must be absolute and without exceptions.
o   In the constitution, it must be made clear that no political party can include anything in its manifesto that is repugnant to Quran and Sunnah. The parties manifestoes could be challenged in the Federal Shariat Court and it will then decide the dispute in such a case.
o    If the non-Muslims are in a big number then, separate consultative bodies for various communities of non Muslims can be formed that can advise the parliament regarding minority affairs.
o   The president will be called “Khalifa Al Muslimeen” and he will be Caliph of the Muslims belonging to a particular country. Islamic state is based on collective vicegerency of the Muslims, and the Muslims will delegate this right to one man. Khalifah will be a Muslim male, not less than 40 years of age, as this is the age of maturity according to Quran, and he will have to pass a very strict and thorough screening before he is given the chair to run for this very office.

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