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Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Revolution Methodology of Prophet Mohammad PBUH: Ideology and Prerequisites


Holy Prophet’s Revolution Ideology and its Pre-requisites

Allama Iqbal says!
Sovereignty belongs to God only and absolutely. He is the supreme, rest is his creation.
Iqbal further openly criticizes kingdom as well as democracy and has advocated for caliphate.

Vicegerency Instead of Rule

Whatever there is in heavens and earth, belongs to God.
Pakistan is the only Islamic state whose constitution says that absolute sovereignty belongs to God, and it is the only Islamic state which has been established on the religious belief of Islam after the state of Madina.

Total Social Equality

It is a corollary of believing in one God that there is no one superior or inferior to anyone else and the practical example of such a society was the state of Madina, established by the Prophet Mohammad PBUH. 
People who are pious are higher in the sight of God. Women have equivalent rights in Islam. Men only have the administrative superiority in the institution of family.

Islamic Revolutionary Organization

In the advent of Islam, the leadership of the revolutionary group was for the Holy prophet Mohammad PBUH. 
Since he was the last of all prophets, and there will be no messenger of God after him, so the lead of group will now be decided by the qualified panel, and affirmed by taking an oath which is proven by the prophet himself. 
It would be of interest to quote how the companions of the prophet took oath under him. 
The oath implies:
We listen and we obey
We took an oath under the prophet of God
That we will obey the Prophet PBUH in ease and hardship
Whether we feel inclined to obey or not
Even if the Prophet prefers someone else over us
Whoever is selected as commander, we will not argue with him
But we will certainly speak and present the truth

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