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Monday, 28 December 2020

Islamic Regulations of Jihad: Part 4:


  • It is forbidden for prisoner women to be separated from minor children.
  • During a battle, destruction more than required is not allowed.
  • Breaking the promise with the enemy is not allowed.
  • It is important to prepare the bunkers and straighten the rows before battle.
  • During skirmishes, maximum damage is to be achieved with minimum use of weapons.
  • For an expedition there must be four people, for a group four hundred people and for a legion four thousand men is a decent figure.
  • An army of twelve thousand men should be strong enough to deter any invasion.
  • Code words can be arbitrated for the purpose of identification.
  • Groups can carry separate flags if need be.
  • The goods recovered from the battle field, is the wealth of recovery and the property of believers.
  • One fifth of wealth of recovery goes to the bank of state and four fifth to the participants of the skirmish.
  • Edibles are not considered as wealth of recovery.
  • Prisoners of war must be treated nicely.
  • It is not allowed to have intercourse with pregnant concubines.
  • Faith cannot be forced on prisoners of war.
  • The prisoners who accept faith must not be returned to non-believers.
  • After declaring safe, it is just not allowed to your believers to kill to even hurt a prisoner of war.
  • Exchange of prisoners is allowed.
  • It is important to take precautionary measures before setting out for a battle of Islamic cause.
  • Three or more people if on a journey, should appoint a leader.
  • In case of serious fear, prayer must be prayed as conveniently as possible.
  • Women can serve as nurses in a battle.
  • Tourism of the believers is in the Islamic expeditions with the intent of skirmishes.
  • If Non-muslims of an Islamic state pay tax of security, they must be safeguarded.
  • A responsible man should move behind the legion for safety.
  • Believers must not participate in the crusades to gain the wealth of recovery as the main intention or goal.

Islamic Regulations of Jihad: Part 3:


  • Jihad is not obligatory on women.
  • Head of Islamic State can take an oath form the people to participate in Jihad if necessary.
  • The commander of the legion must not force the oath of participation in the battle if it is above the capability of a soldier.
  • Jihad is the highest of deeds after one submits his will to God.
  • On the journey of Jihad every action is equivalent the virtues.
  • The reward of shooting one arrow in Jihad is equal to freeing one slave.
  • Fighting while battling for an Islamic cause makes the soldiers go far and away from hell.
  • The journey of one day or one night for an Islamic battle or war is better than this whole world.
  • One moment of Jihad is better than praying to God in the holy places in the holy sites.
  • Paradise is under the shadow of swords.
  • Islam will stay alive till the end of the world because of Jihad.
  • The soldiers of the waters have been highly regarded.
  • Jihad is one out of many doors of making living.
  • Legions that will fight India will be saved from the fire of hell.
  • The life of a mujahidin is the best of lives.
  • No pious man can reach the level of a stranded fighter in Jihad.
  • It is upon God to help the soldiers fighting for an Islamic cause.
  • A believer, who in a battle kills non-believers, will not go to hell. 
  • The status of women of Mujahideen is like that of mothers of the believers.
  • If Mujahid gets martyred, he is rewarded with heaven, if he comes back home alive, he is rewarded in terms of virtues.
  • A person who provides for the necessities of warfare of Jihad is rewarded by God.
  •  A person who looks after the family of soldiers also is rewarded by God.
  • The soldiers, who lose their lives in fighting for Islamic cause, will be placed in the highest levels of paradise.
  • A martyr will have the right to recommend seventy people on the Day of Judgment.
  • God loves two types of drops, one is the tear which fell in the fear of Him and the other, the drop of blood which fell off a martyr.
  • Holy Prophet (PBUH) wished to be martyred over and again.
  • Guardian soldiers will also be rewarded and regarded very highly.
  • A believer who died without once wishing to participate in Jihad died in hypocrisy.
  • In case of ignorance of Jihad by the Muslims, the Non-muslims will pounce on them.
  • Three types of Jihad are:
      • Jihad with life.
      • Jihad with wealth.
      • Jihad with tongue.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Islamic Regulations of Jihad: Part 2:


  • The highest of charity is the wealth spent in the way of Jihad.
  • Angels pray for the people who spend their wealth for battles of Islamic cause.
  • All believers are instructed to learn to use the weapons used in warfare for Islamic cause.
  • Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to spend all of his annual savings on the weapons of battles.
  • Eradicating torture, injustice and oppression is a strong reason for launching an Islamic crusade.
  • Safeguarding an Islamic or a Muslim state to practice faith, is another strong reason to launch a crusade.
  • Another objective could be protecting the boundaries of an Islamic or Muslim state.
  • A global objective could be propagation of dominance of Islam as a system of social justice and welfare, global in extent, to justify the launch of a crusade.
  • Islamic teachings must be preached to enemy before launching a crusade. If they refuse they should be offered to pay Jizya as security tax. If they refuse, they must be fought against.
  • The commander of the legion should keep within justice, fear of God, honesty and mutual and group advice.
  • No action must be taken without permission of the commander during a crusade.
  • Commander should try and facilitate the legion.
  • Commander must not be obeyed if he goes against the Islamic regulations.
  • It is more than allowed to use detectives for intelligence gathering regarding the enemy.
  • It is allowed to consume foods from the conquered land of enemy.
  • During the battle it is allowed to dodge the enemy.
  • It is allowed to lie in case of need in different situations in a battle.
  • During a battle it is not allowed to kill women, children, disable or handicapped especially if they are not participants of the skirmish.
  • It is not allowed to kill the servants and labor men in a battle.
  • It is not allowed to mutilate the dead bodies of the enemies in a battle.
  • It is not allowed to kill the enemy with torture in a battle.
  • The conquered enemy must not be burnt.
  • It is not allowed to kill the enemy men once declared safe.
  • It is strictly forbidden to kill the ambassador of the enemy.
  • Non-muslims citizens of a Muslim state must not be killed.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Quranic Inferences: Marriage:


Bond of Marriage

  • Getting married is the way of the prophets.
  • God has ordained marriage on men and women who are capable of it.
  • It is not allowed to avoid marriage altogether because of financial limitations.
  • The purpose of marriage is to maintain human race in a respectable way.
  • The other purpose of marriage is eradicating vulgarity from the society.
  • The secret intimacy between men and women is not allowed outside the bond of marriage.
  • Men and women should get married with the intention of spending the whole life together.
  • In married life, God has kept satisfaction and comfort.
  • After the marriage, God creates the feelings of love between spouses.
  • Unmarried life without good reason, has been forbidden by God.
  • Abortion is not allowed to either, on the intent of female or male.
  • In family system, man has the administrative authority.
  • Husband has been authorized to administer in family life because basically he is responsible to provide for the wife and children if any.
  • To maintain discipline in the house wife is supposed to obey the husband.
  • If wife disobeys the husband, he should try and make her understand. If she still disobeys the husband is allowed to stop bedding her for some time. If she still disobeys, he has the right to be strict with her
  • In case of incompatibility in the relationship, the right of divorce lies with the husband.
  • Husband after giving one divorce can dissolve it and resume the marital relationship before the end of the ‘period of seclusion’.
  • The position of wife in family system is like that of a subordinate.
  • Being under the administration of the husband, wife has obligation to obey the husband.
  • Within the house, wife is supposed to be the guardian of respect, honour and belongings of husband.
  • As above, for her responsibilities wife deserves affection, kindness, and forgiveness.
  • In case of serious disagreement, wife can get divorce through court.
  • A male can have four spouses at a time, under certain conditions.

Quranic Inferences: Unlawful Acts:


Unlawful acts


It is a major sin to lie.


Backbiting is also a major sin.


Bribery is a major sin.


  • Usury leads to loss in wealth and invites the wrath of God.
  • It is not allowed to receive usury.
  • God and his final Prophet (PBUH) declare war against the people who run their business on usury.
  • There will be grave punishment for the people who give and take usury.
  • People who consume usury or commercial interest will rise from their graves as insane people on the day of judgement.
  • Believers who used to consume usury will remain in hell for a long period of time.


To draw living things with hand is a major sin.


Learning and teaching magic is infidelity.


Singing, dancing, drinking and irreligious rituals are basically not allowed in Islam.


Drinking of alcohol is a major sin.


Gambling is a major sin.


  • Fornication is a major sin.
  • People who spread vulgarity in the society will be gravely punished in this life as well as in the afterlife.


  • Homo-sexuality is a major sin.
  • Homo-sexual societies were punished with rain of stones from sky.


Suicide is an unlawful and an unforgivable sin.


  • Murder is a major sin; it’s punishment in the here-after is a long time in hell.
  • Murderer lives his life while God is angry with him, he remains far away from the forgiveness of God, and in the afterlife he will put him in the hell.

Quranic Inferences: Destitute; Travelers; Slaves; Non-muslims:

 Rights of destitute

  • God withdraws his blessings from the people who steal from orphans and needy people.
  • Depriving poor and destitute is one of the reasons why people will end up in hell.
  • Some part of the wealth of recovery from the battles, the state must spend on poor and destitute people.
  • One of the clauses of application of alms fits and pertains to helping blue collar people.
  • Other than giving in alms the believers who support poor and needy people are true believers.
  • The believer who addresses the request of a beggar is a true believer.
  • In the wealth of rich people, there is a part for poor people who beg, which the rich should give.
  • If one cannot fulfil the request of a beggar, one should refuse very politely.

Rights of travellers

  • Travellers should be treated by virtue and in good manner.
  • The people, who fulfil the rights of travellers for pleasure of God, are ones who will be saved in the hereafter.
  • The travellers that are short of the belongings and means are helped by people who believe and are pious.
  • If a rich traveller happens to be poor on a journey, alms apply to him.
  • State should spend a part of the recovery wealth of battles on the travellers.
  • The rights of the travellers must be fulfilled with open heart.

Rights of slaves

  • The slaves must be treated nicely.
  • If the slave wants to have a contract or agreement with the master to get freed on payment in a certain period then master must encourage the idea. 
  • Common believers or Muslims should try and help free such slaves who want to earn freedom in return of money over a period of time to their masters.

Rights of the companions

The companions must be treated nicely, this applies to colleagues also.

Rights of the corpse

After the death of a person first of all his statement with regard to his wealth must be fulfilled then his debt should be paid then inheritance must be divided as the regulations state or imply.

Rights of the prisoners

To feed the prisoners is an act of pleasing God.

Rights of non-Muslims

  • If an infidel slave is not anti-Islam and wants to have contract of freedom with his master, Muslims should help him with it.
  • The non-believers, who do not want any vengeance or have no hatred for Islam, should be dealt with very nicely.
  • Oppression and violence is not allowed to make someone quit infidelity or non-faith.
  • During war, if an infidel wants to learn and understand Islam, he must be given refuge, if he does not accept faith, he should be left at his safe haven.

Rights of animals

Without need, killing or hunting an animal is forbidden.

Rights of relatives

  • To help the close relatives financially is a big virtue.
  • To help the widow is one of the good deeds.
  • To fulfil the rights of relatives is to please God.
  • On the day of judgement, not fulfilling the rights of relatives will be a cause of serious deficit.

Quranic Inferences: Pagans; Hypocrites:


Pagans are the worst enemies of Muslims

  • All polytheist nations are worst enemies of Muslims.
  • On the face of this planet, worst people are polytheists; ones who place partners with God.
  • Polytheists and infidels in some ways are worse than animals.
  • Polytheists want to destroy Islam altogether.
  • Polytheists want to stop the propagation of teachings of Islam.
  • Infidels stop the Muslims from praying to God.
  • Infidels want to change Quran according to their will and desire.
  • Infidels have strong determination to not believe in Quran.
  • Infidels have animosity towards Quran because of prejudice and jealousy.
  • Infidels mock the verses of Holy Quran.
  • Infidels hate the verses that assert monotheism and negate polytheism.

Hypocrites are a dangerous group for Islam

  • Hypocrites, on the occasion of battle of Ahzab got ready to rebel, after seeing a strong force and numbers of opponents.
  • On the occasion of battle of Badar, the hypocrites brought up the point that Muslims are religious fanatics and extremists.
  • On the occasion of battle of Tabuk, a hypocrite made an excuse that he was fond of beauty and the beautiful women of Romans would distract him easily so he should not be included in the legion.
  • Hypocrites always avoid armed conflict in the way of God.
  • Hypocrites think of themselves to be the representatives of goodness but they are actually corrupt.
  • Hypocrites try to harm Muslims and Islam in all ways possible.
  • Hypocrites publicise faith and Islam in order to prove themselves virtuous and righteous.
  • Hypocrites are the representatives of infidels.

Quranic Inferences: Saleh; Laut PBUH:


Saleh PBUH and his people

  • Saleh (PBUH) preached to his nation to revert to God and believe only one God.
  • Infidels mocked Saleh (PBUH), calling him a liar, and a commoner like other people.
  • Leaders of tribes of the nation declared Saleh (PBUH) to be a curse on their people.
  • The people asked rather demanded the miracle of camel which Saleh (PBUH) performed successfully.
  • The leaders of the tribes not only rejected the preaching but also hurt the camel to cutting.
  • After killing the camel, people planned to slay the prophet Saleh (PBUH)
  • God killed them all with a severe earth-quake and saved Saleh and the believers.
  • The prophet Saleh (PBUH) advised them gently over and again but cursed people did not listen.
  • For wise people, there are more than signs in it.
Laut PBUH and his People 

  • Laut (PBUH) told people to fear God, and advised them to believe in Him.
  • People of Laut were heavily involved in homosexuality, Laut asked them to refrain from this sin.
  • In reply, people of Laut, mocked him rejecting abstinence and piety.
  • Non-believers threatened to exile Laut on preaching to refrain from sinful acts like homo-sexuality.
  • One house only accepted faithful preached by Laut and that was his own.
  • Laut’s people mocked God and His punishment when he told them to fear Him and obey His commandments.
  • Except the believers who were very few, the people of Laut were stoned from the sky and killed in the process.
  • In response to deviance of Laut’s people, the wrath of God came in the form of serious punishment of stoning from the skies which killed his wife also.
  • People who disobey God and his Prophet (PBUH) must learn their lesson from the treatment people of Laut got.

Quranic Inferences: A group of prophets and their people

 A group of prophets and their people

  • There was a town or village where God sent a number of messengers where they preached monotheism.
  • People of that town or village mocked the messengers of God saying that you are just common people like us, but the prophets continued their work.
  • People of the place called the messengers cursed and threatened to slay them.
  • Only one man in the village submitted to the preaching of those prophets, people got infuriated and finally murdered him.
  • For not believing in the prophets or rejecting them, wrath of God showed itself and the people were killed in a serious punishment.
  • One should learn lesson from destruction of disobedient nations.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Revolution Methodology of Prophet Mohammad PBUH: Ideology and Prerequisites


Holy Prophet’s Revolution Ideology and its Pre-requisites

Allama Iqbal says!
Sovereignty belongs to God only and absolutely. He is the supreme, rest is his creation.
Iqbal further openly criticizes kingdom as well as democracy and has advocated for caliphate.

Vicegerency Instead of Rule

Whatever there is in heavens and earth, belongs to God.
Pakistan is the only Islamic state whose constitution says that absolute sovereignty belongs to God, and it is the only Islamic state which has been established on the religious belief of Islam after the state of Madina.

Total Social Equality

It is a corollary of believing in one God that there is no one superior or inferior to anyone else and the practical example of such a society was the state of Madina, established by the Prophet Mohammad PBUH. 
People who are pious are higher in the sight of God. Women have equivalent rights in Islam. Men only have the administrative superiority in the institution of family.

Islamic Revolutionary Organization

In the advent of Islam, the leadership of the revolutionary group was for the Holy prophet Mohammad PBUH. 
Since he was the last of all prophets, and there will be no messenger of God after him, so the lead of group will now be decided by the qualified panel, and affirmed by taking an oath which is proven by the prophet himself. 
It would be of interest to quote how the companions of the prophet took oath under him. 
The oath implies:
We listen and we obey
We took an oath under the prophet of God
That we will obey the Prophet PBUH in ease and hardship
Whether we feel inclined to obey or not
Even if the Prophet prefers someone else over us
Whoever is selected as commander, we will not argue with him
But we will certainly speak and present the truth

Revolution Methodology of Prophet Mohammad PBUH: Conflict

 Eight Expeditions before Battle of Badar

It was not only the joint defence pact as stated earlier, but, also these eight expeditions before the skirmish of Badr, in four of them, Prophet did not participate, but in the remaining four he did. 
The very objective was to keep an eye on the moment of Meccans and gather intelligence for Muslims in Madina.
Further, because the Meccans had been very cruel to the Muslims, so this was the time for Muslims to act intelligently. Two main aims therein were, to politically isolate Mecca and pose and economic blockade on Mecca as well. 
This was to weaken them if they had any subtle plan to fight the Muslims, which they did. It is vital to mention here that Muslim scholars and historians are very apologetic in this regard and never explicitly mentioned these tactics of the Muslims. 
It was because in the recent history, west had blamed Islam that it spread on the edge of the sword.
During these ventures, unfortunately, something happened this was neither planned nor strategized as a move. The surveillance groups had hand to hand fight with some travelers near Mecca: In it, one of the Meccans was killed and another injured. This was the point which made the opinion of Hawks dominate the opinion of Doves. Otba was among doves, he was not in favour of battles. 
He was thinking like a statesman, asserting that ‘if Mohammad conquers in Madina, then, he is one of our Meccans. If he fails to establish his foot-hold, we have already won the situation, as this is what Meccans wanted’. 
But since the pre-Badr surveillance troops placed on the critical spots intersecting the trade routes of Meccans, both Hawks and Doves infered that their Caravans might just be attacked and looted which actually did not happen especially with the Caravan of the Abu Sufyan.
But because suspicion was there, and the surveillance groups on one or two points had altercations with the travellers and on top of that when one man was killed, it raised the suspicion to its peak and Meccans finally decided to attack Muslims. 
This is what potentially led to the skirmish of Badr. These crusades started somewhere in second Hijri and continued up until eight Hijri.
This is sixth stage of Prophet Revolution, broke out in second Hijri. It continued for years in the form of battles, skirmishes and the mopping operations. 
In Badr, fourteen companions of the Prophet were martyred. In Uhad, seventy companions lost their lives, and obvious victory turned in to a temporary defeat. There were many more and finally, Mecca was conquered and taken by Muslims after which the prophet declared total forgiveness.

Exporting the Revolution

It is to be kept in mind that Holy prophet did not start the process of exporting the revolution until an Islamic society was established in terms of the state of Madina. It was after the pact of Hudabia, that the Holy Prophet PBUH, started sending his message outside the peninsula of Arabia, starting from edges of Arabia peninsula. 
The pact of Hudebia was declared as open victory by Quran for the Muslims. An important point has to be kept in mind that just preaching spreads but revolution takes time as it strengthens its roots at its origin in the beginning. 
The message sent to the Heads of the states received different response. Some were not violent or aggressive and some were as nasty as killing the ambassador, which was declaration of war at that time; Battle of Mo’ta resulted from one of such occurrences and later Battle of Tabuk. 
The point to be learned here is that, not only the Holy Prophet completed the first six stages of the revolution in his own life but also started the seventh stage which was exporting the revolution after its establishment in its epi-center.
In the opinion of revolutionary Muslim scholars like Dr. Israr Ahmad, Molana Abul Ala Modudi and Dr. Mohammad Iqbal, it is now the country of Pakistan which has to get house in order first and then act as the ambassador of Islamic system termed as Caliphate in the final crusades which have started from destruction of Iraq. Destruction of Afghanistan was also a part and parcel of the same world order plan of the Zionist Jewish Christian alliance. However, Eastern Orthodox Church is supposed to be an ally of Muslims in this scheme. In the clash of systems, communism had to bend its knees to capitalism earlier, but equilibrium is shifting now.

Revolution Methodology of Prophet Mohammad PBUH: Completeness


Example of Complete Revolution

Revolution of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH): like the Roman emperor accepting Christianity, there are other examples in very recent history, like in 1917 in the USSR, there was a fundamental change brought about by the Bolshevik Revolutions’ implications in the social structure. 
Unlike the former, latter will be called a revolution because it changed one of the three secular pillars of life. It implied that nothing except the articles of use will be owned by an individual. Everything will be property of the state.
In 1920, at Brad Law Hall in Lahore, MN Roy said that the biggest of all revolutions in history was brought about by Mohammad (PBUH).
In 1980 in “The 100”, Michael Hart put Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) on the top of the list in which second was Isac Newton and third was Jesus Christ (PBUH).
Hart justified this as follows:
“My choice of Mohammad to lead the list of world’s most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was only man in history, who was supremely successful on both of the religious and secular levels.”
The notable point here is that Elia and Alexander did not top the list and Christian’s representing the biggest religious community; admit to the greatness of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
HG Wells has admitted to the revolutionary greatness of Prophet Mohammad in the very context of Hajja tul Wida, the last major sermon of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
The Prophet said!
“O people, your God is one, your father is one, beware, no Arab is above a non Arab and no non-Arab is above an Arab. No white is above a black nor is any black above a white, the only yardstick of the gradation is piousness”.
Karl Marx wrote a book known as ‘Das Capital’.
The thought was never encouraged in his country Germany, nor in England where he moved to. But later, in USSR, by others the ideas were taken up and implemented. 
In similar ways, in France, a couple of revolutionary thinkers promoted democracy with their writings but it was made possible by street urchins; it was a revolution, fundamentally uprooting kingdom concept and establishing popular democracy. 
It brought about political changes like Bolshevik Revolution did the economic changes; basically redesigning the one out of three secular sides of a community life, each of the two stated revolutions.
The noteworthy point is that these revolutions were partial not complete, and they were designed by one individual or group and implemented by the others.
On the other hand Mohammad PBUH, started with street preaching in Mecca, trained his people, made sacrifices, fought in the way of God, and ultimately restructured the society.
Toynbee has been a famous history philosopher of his time. He made an audacious remark that Mohammad succeeded as a statesman later but initially had problems as a Prophet. 
Montgomery Watt was a professor from England; he later used superlative degree to praise Prophet Mohammad at Mecca but was critical and subtle on his role at Madina. 
Average people do not comprehend Watt’s subtlety, and overrate his work named ‘Mohammad at Mecca’ and don’t see the way he tries to establish contrast with his other work named ‘Mohammad at Madina’. 
Even former president of Pakistan, General Zia ul Haque was in his awe and invited Watt to attend the conference on Ways of Prophet PBUH, in Pakistan.
Western intellectuals, have called moving of Prophet from Mecca to Madina, ‘flight’, what it actually was, was a strategy to establish an alternate base. 
After moving to Madina, the prophet took some steps like signing treaties and launching expeditions as well as building a mosque to serve as an institution; that equivalent to Baet e Arqam in Mecca. These decisions and steps taken clearly show statesmanship of Holy Prophet PBUH.
People who have background in sociology and political science know that the term ‘social revolution’ has been perverted in terms of its meaning. 
The only example the human history has for a total revolution is in the life of Prophet Mohammad PBUH.

Revolution Methodology of Prophet Mohammad PBUH: Meaning

 Meaning of Revolution

The revolution of knowledge or science alone cannot be called revolution. From among the social, political or economic system, the complete or at least fundamental change in one can be termed revolution.
At this juncture, there are two aspects of human life.
i. The first one is the individual life.
ii. The second one is the life as member of community or society.
The first aspect of life is quite related to faith, worship and rituals. The second aspect is secular so to say, the first one stands religious as implied earlier.
George Bush once said that we embrace Islam; the point here is that they are ready to embrace Islam as religion with a set of rituals but they are just not ready to accept the politico-socio-economic injunctions of it. 
So much so that because of some rogue groups, they criticize Islam and are openly critical, implying that it spread with sword.
In response to the western criticism, many Islamic scholars have adopted an attitude of apologetics. These days the people who assert Jihad are thought of be fundamentalist or extremists promoting the notion of terrorism. 
Despite the fact that there are many planted groups who misrepresent Islam and Jihad but ultimately who is blamed is the Muslim community.
There is a key example in history, that of Roman Empire. In 300 AD, the emperor embraced Christianity and his people also followed him in faith. 
This was a remarkable turn of matters. But still, it cannot be categorized as revolution because it was associated with faith and may be some rituals, and just not to the secular sides of life i.e. politico-socio-economic.